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First round of Slovakia's presidential elections

First round of Slovakia's presidential elections

Polling closes at 2100 GMT on Saturday

23 marzo 2024, 19:31

Redazione ANSA



(ANSA-AFP) - BRATISLAVA, 23 MAR - Slovaks voted on Saturday in the first round of a tight presidential election pitting the Russia-leaning ruling camp against a pro-Ukraine candidate amid deep divisions on the war between the neighbouring rivals.
    Parliament speaker and former prime minister Peter Pellegrini and liberal ex-foreign minister Ivan Korcok, who is backed by the opposition, are the clear frontrunners. Pellegrini is supported by populist Prime Minister Robert Fico, who has questioned Ukraine's sovereignty. Korcok is staunchly pro-Ukraine like outgoing president Zuzana Caputova, a government critic who chose not to seek a second term. After casting his ballot, Pellegrini said Slovakia would stay anchored in the European Union and NATO after the election, despite Fico's remarks. "Even if we talk about a more sovereign foreign policy this does not mean that the course of Slovakia's foreign policy should change," he added. "People know what I stand for.
    Now it is up to them to go and vote," Korcok said after casting his ballot. Caputova told journalists she hoped her successor would "represent our country abroad well".
    Though the office is largely ceremonial, Slovakia's president ratifies international treaties, appoints top judges and is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The head of the NATO and EU member of 5.4 million people can also veto laws passed by parliament. The latest opinion polls have suggested a tight race. An Ipsos agency survey indicated that Pellegrini would garner 37 percent of the vote, while Korcok would bag 36 percent.
    An April 6 runoff is likely as neither is expected to win over 50 percent in the first round. Polling closes at 2100 GMT on Saturday. (ANSA-AFP).


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