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Plan B, 3rd lawsuit against Varoufakis at Parliament

For creation of parallel bank system and currency

29 July, 13:34
(ANSA) - ATHENS - Greek Supreme Court Prosecutor Efterpi Koutzamani issued a new lawsuit against the former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis for his involvement in a five-membered group of close associates eyeing a plan for Greece's exit from the eurozone, known as Plan B. The plan involved the creation of a parallel bank system and currency (the drachma) within the euro (IOUS) and would have required hacking into Greek taxpayers personal tax codes in order to be implemented. This morning's law suit is the third to have arrived at Greek Parliament against Varoufakis. The new lawsuit is accusing Varoufakis for violating citizens' personal data as reported by Protothema online. A 20-year jail term is attached with the crime. Greek Parliament will officially announce the pending law suits on Thursday. Lawmakers will then be required to examine the accusations and possibly ask for the recommendations of an examining committee or a probe into Varoufakis' activities. (ANSA).

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