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Greece, a last-minute deal might be possible

Tsipras to undertake an offer by EU Commission President Juncker

30 June, 13:06
(ANSA-AP) - ATHENS - There was speculation on Tuesday that a last-minute deal might be possible, with reports that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was to undertake an initiative based on a last-minute offer by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. Markets in Europe rose on the hopes for a resolution of some kind.

In Brussels, European officials said the Commission chief was willing to help give Tsipras a belated way out of his financial crisis if he accepts creditors' conditions on the bailout standoff and campaigns for staying in the euro.

An EU official, who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the talks, called it "a sort of last-minute offer" before Tuesday's dual deadlines. (ANSA-AP).

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