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Kiev offers Easter rest in South-East Ukraine

Minister, but new offensive if the occupation continues

19 April, 16:58

(ANSA) - KIEV - The Kiev government has offered an Easter rest to the pro-Russian separatists in the South-East of Ukraine suspending the military operation launched in recent days. This was announced on the BBC, by the Foreign Minister of Ukraine Andrii Deschizia. "The anti-terrorist operation has been suspended during the Easter period and we will not use force against them at this time," said Deschizia, stating that the goal of the military is "bring life back to normal and protect the population". After the rest, however, the operation will resume if the separatists continue to occupy the administrative buildings. '' Its intensity - he continued - will depend on the practical implementation of the agreements'' in Geneva, which provide for the restitution of the occupied buildings and the delivery of weapons. (ANSA).

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