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ETUC: Visentini re-elected General Secretary in Vienna

'Go further in promoting social justice and higher wages'

24 May, 15:27
(ANSA) - UDINE, 24 MAY - Leaders of Europe's national trade unions today re-elected Luca Visentini as General Secretary and elected Laurent Berger as President of the European Trade Union Confederation. The ETUC Congress, meeting in Vienna at 14th Congress, also adopted a new manifesto and action programme for 2019-23 for 'A fairer Europe for workers', which the ETUC will press the new European Parliament and Commission to implement reform of EU economic policymaking, budget and Monetary Union to promote social justice, job-friendly investment, sustainable growth, and fair, progressive taxation.

"The mission for the next term will be to fight the attacks on democracy" said Luca Visentini, "and to go further than the Juncker Commission in promoting social justice, quality jobs and higher wages across the EU. We will also be pressing the EU to tackle climate change with renewed urgency and to do more to proactively manage climate action, digitalisation and automation so that nobody is left behind." The ETUC Congress also elected two Deputy General Secretaries; three Confederal Secretaries and four VicePresidents. Luca Visentini was elected General Secretary at the previous ETUC Congress in Paris in 2015. Before that he was ETUC Confederal Secretary from 2011, and a member of Italian union UIL since 1989. Laurent Berger is Secretary General of French trade union CFDT, a post he has held since 2012.


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