Percorso:ANSA > Nuova Europa > Poland > Poland: Deputy Min., Shoah, we defend our good reputation

Poland: Deputy Min., Shoah, we defend our good reputation

'Complicity of some citizens, but nation is not responsible'

29 January, 22:31
(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 29 - ''I would like to reassure my Jewish and Israeli colleagues that our law regarding Shoah is not aimed at limiting historical research. It's not a matter of denying the complicity of some Polish citizens in the Holocaust. The matter is telling the truth, fighting against historical distortions'', said Polish Deputy Foreign Minister, Marek Magierowski, speaking at a conference on anti-Semitism at the Farnesina (Italy's Foreign Ministry). ''The Polish nation cannot be held responsible for the Shoah - he added -, since the German invaders were those who brought this calamity to the Jews who lived in central Europe. We will never forget your suffering but it is also an obligation for us to defend our good reputation''. (ANSA).

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