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CEI: Moavero, we need to boost the Forum for cooperation

Italy supports the EU's enlargement to the Balkans

31 July, 19:45
(ANSA) - ROME, 31 JULY - "Enhancing" the Central European Initiative (CEI), the intergovernmental forum for international cooperation made us of 17 countries today (9 EU members), led by Italy - that is now holding the rotating presidency - is the goal presented by Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi in a hearing before the Foreign Committees of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate.

"The CEI - said Moavero, talking about the last CEI ministers of foreign affairs meeting which took place in Trieste in June - sets us in a geographical political area that looks to us as a significant country, which can also become a model". For this reason, there is "a clear economic interest", the minister continued, emphasizing for example how "our ports can become the entrance gates to Europe: the distance in kilometers from the northern Adriatic ports to central Europe it is not longer than that of much busier ports like Rotterdam, there is a huge opportunity for us". Italy's interested in an EU enlargement to the Balkans "is beyond doubt," the minister reiterated, pointing out that "the government's stance is clear: we support the accession process and we want this to happen rigorously". "Many states - he added - would have a voice and could help to balance the Union towards the south and south-east, concerning the central-northern European area's supremacy". The image of Italy "is very positive as an exporting country", said Moavero. According to the minister, in these countries "we have our own natural space, therefore it is in our national interest to favor their integration". "The negotiations with Serbia and Montenegro are going ahead - the minister underlined - in spite of some difficulties related to the relationship between Serbia and Kosovo". As for the start of negotiations with Albania and Northern Macedonia, Moavero said that "the beginning has been postponed so far, but Italy is in favor of the opening of negotiations in October for both countries". (ANSA).

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