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Germany, SPD extraordinary party convention

Schulz, let's form the Government and we will strenghten

21 January, 13:54
(ANSA) - BERLIN, 21 GEN - Extraordinary federal party convention of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Bonn, Germany, 21 January 2018. Some 600 delegates and 45 board members of the SPD will discuss and decide whether or not to start coalition negotiations with the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian Social Union (CSU) parties to form another so-called 'Grand Coalition' (Grosse Koalition, or GroKo) government on the basis of the recent on the basis of the exploratory talks.

SPD leader Martin Schulz invite to accept to form the Government: "We will streghten", said during his speech.

Young SPD Juso, Kevin Kuehnert, invited instead to vote 'No', to start a new history. (ANSA).

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