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Germany: Lufthansa looking to buy Air Berlin planes

Government, Germany needs a "national champion"

18 August, 10:49
(ANSA) - TRIESTE - Lufthansa is considering buying a majority of insolvent Air Berlin's aircraft, Reuters said.

According to Reuters, Lufthansa's could take on as many as 90 of Air Berlin's roughly 140 planes, all of which are leased. That would include the 38 aircraft that Lufthansa is already leasing from Air Berlin. No decisions had been made yet. Air Berlin, Germany's second-largest airline, filed for bankruptcy protection on Tuesday after shareholder Etihad Airways withdrew funding following years of losses. Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt backed Lufthansa to buy a major portion of Air Berlin's assets, saying Germany needed a "national champion" in international aviation.

Merkel's government has granted a bridging loan of 150 million euros that will keep Air Berlin's planes in the air for up to three months, bringing holidaymakers home and securing 7,200 jobs in Germany while buyers for its assets are found.


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