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Council of Europe, Slovakia slow on anti-corruption

Council of Europe, Slovakia slow on anti-corruption

GRECO, no step has been taken by the government since 2021

STRASBOURG, 17 aprile 2024, 17:43

Redazione ANSA



Slovakia has been too slow to take the necessary steps to prevent corruption in the government and law enforcement agencies.
    The Council of Europe's anti-corruption body GRECO said this, pointing out that of the 21 recommendations made in 2019, only three have been fully implemented, four only partially. For 14, nothing has been done.
    Strasbourg points out that the assessment conducted in 2021 has not improved the top executive functions of the central administration. GRECO "urges the authorities to proceed quickly with adopting a package of measures, including developing an ethics code, which should address most of its recommendations." GRECO says there is some progress in law enforcement but underlines "the need to adopt strict measures in several areas, including the regularity of integrity checks, post-employment restrictions, and the asset declaration control system." Due to the country's slow progress, GRECO stipulated that authorities must send information on the measures taken by December 31, 2024.


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