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FVG-Bosnia plan for local development kicks off

FVG-Bosnia plan for local development kicks off

'Fruits of solidarity' from Legacoop and the Insieme Co-op

UDINE, 15 marzo 2024, 17:21

Redazione ANSA



A little more than a month after being recognized at the Nonino Prize 2024, where together with Angelo Floramo, they won the Risit d'Aur Award, the women's 'Insieme' Co-op of Bratunac and Srebrenica has now a vital role in the international cooperation project "Fruits of Solidarity," funded by the Fvg Region, with Legacoop Fvg as lead partner.
    Legacoop announced today that the initiative aims to "promote local development and enhance good practices in social inclusion" in Bosnia. After the terrible Balkan conflict, the president of Insieme, Radmila Zarkovic (Rada) 2023, founded the agricultural cooperative where more than 500 families of different ethnicities and religions work and produce jams and juices called "Fruits of Peace." These products are marketed by Coop Alleanza 3.0, which in November decided to honor Rada during the "Donna Coop 2023" award.
    "A project that allows us to support an important initiative," explains Legacoop Fvg President Michela Vogrig, "with the Insieme cooperative and Rada, a brave and visionary woman who has managed to overcome ethnic and religious divisions with her project. And it is also thanks to stories like hers that we nourish hope for the future." The year-long project will cost nearly 50,000 euros, of which about 30,000 will be covered by regional funding. It will involve the Consorzio COSM Consortium based in Udine, the Brignoli Einaudi Marconi High School of Gradisca d'Isonzo, and the Insieme cooperative as partners. The aim is to expand the opportunities for social integration and work placement of people in vulnerable situations, particularly women, bolster the ability of social enterprises to enhance and innovate their productions, and encourage the exchange of good practices and the spread of the social enterprise model in Fvg, Bosnia and other Balkan territories.


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