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Nutrition strategy against menopause

Nutrition strategy against menopause

Meeting organised by Italian ministry of health

Milan, 09 July 2015, 13:52

ANSA Editorial


Women in menopause should follow specific nutritional guidelines which could greatly improve their quality of life, according to doctor Sara Farnetti, a specialist in clinical nutrition who illustrated the 'strategy' women should adopt at a meeting organised by the Italian ministry of health at Expo 2015 on Thursday.
    The three factors most affecting women's well-being during menopause are bone and cardiovascular health together with the common symptom of hot flashes.
    Farnetti stressed that a healthy diet poor in fat and with enough protein, vitamins and minerals can be a useful ally to improve general conditions and prevent osteoporosis in particular. "It's important - she added - to eat both green and yellow fruit and vegetables such as grapes, kiwi, oranges, carrots, peppers, broccoli and eggs during every meal, as well as the vitamin E contained in extra-virgin olive oil which is equally important as it makes these nutrients all the more efficient".


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