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Todde says Sardinia responded to batons with pencils

Todde says Sardinia responded to batons with pencils

PD- M5S alliance the only way forward says new governor

ROME, 27 February 2024, 12:06

ANSA English Desk




Newly elected centre-left Sardinia governor Alessandra Todde of the leftist populist 5-Star Movement (M5S) said that Sardinians had responded to last Friday's allegedly excessive use of truncheons in the policing of a peaceful pro-Palestinian student demonstration in Pisa with the pencils they used in the ballot box Sunday.
    "Sardinia has responded to the batons with pencils," she said press conference in which she assured that the new regional council "will be of great competence".
    She said she would also go to Abruzzo to campaign for March 10 regional elections there in which the PD-M5S 'broad field' will face another test of its ability to defeat the nationally dominant right-centre-right coalition.
    "I will also go to Abruzzo, to campaign. The PD and M5S have been generous with me and I will go and campaign for them. 'To create a solid project that can convince the electorate the alliance between the PD and M5S is the only way.
    Todde said she will work a lot with young people and that she will also focus a lot on research to counter the migration of young Sardinians away from the island.


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