Nationalist League party leader
Matteo Salvini on Thursday slammed centre-left Democratic Party
(PD) leader Enrico Letta for meeting the founder of the Spanish
migrant rescue NGO Open Arms, Oscar Camps, one of the
organisations Salvini stopped from docking in Italian ports
during his stint as interior minister in 2018-2019.
Salvini, who is facing a number of criminal trials over his
controversial but popular policy of allegedly "kidnapping"
migrants in this way, said "on Saturday I'm going to trial
precisely because of one of the (innumerable) landings organised
by the Spaniards of Open Arms, and today the PD receives these
'gentlemen' with every honour.
"Words fail me, I leave all comment up to you, time will prove
me right," he tweeted.
Letta tweeted after meeting Camps "nice exchange of ideas. Many
concerns, and also some grounds for hope".