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Utmost consideration for Napolitano (3)

Utmost consideration for Napolitano (3)

Political debate is open says PM

Brussels, 23 March 2018, 14:50

Redazione ANSA




Premier Paolo Gentiloni addressed the stalemate over parliamentary Speakers in Italy Friday saying "I believe that not only for what he represented but for the role he still plays we owe the utmost consideration to the words of (former president and life Senator Giorgio) Napolitano, and after that the political debate is open".
    Napolitano earlier said the new parliament should respect voters' wishes and he had faith in President Sergio Mattarella to find a way out of Italy's post-election stalemate. He said the March 4 general election had rejected the "self-exaltation" of governments in boasting about the results of their policies leading to the victories of populist forces. "Citizens felt that traditional parties were far off and closed with respect to their suffering, and with respect to widespread feelings of insecurity and alarm", referring to the migrant and jobs emergencies.
    The vote, he said, was a "clear watershed" to the advantage of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) and the rightwing populist anti-migrant and Euroskeptic League.
    Napolitano, a two-time straight former president, is one of Italy's most respected political figures.


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