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Italian Research Day celebrated in Mexico

Italian Research Day celebrated in Mexico

With a scientific conference on vital water issues

19 June 2024, 18:09

ANSA English Desk



Italian Research Day in the World came to life in Mexico City with a scientific conference entitled 'Navigating the depths of water sustainability, living waters: monitoring, management and risks'. This event, organised by the Italian Embassy with the support of the Association of Italian Researchers in Mexico, took place at the Mexico State Campus of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Tec).
    The conference explored vital water-related issues, covering topics ranging from the sustainable management of water resources to the mitigation of risks associated with catastrophic events, and the monitoring of marine ecosystems.
    The event, moderated by Roberto Marani, the Embassy's scientific attaché, was opened by Ambassador Alessandro Modiano, who highlighted the importance of water sustainability for both nations and emphasised the key role of scientific diplomacy in promoting effective international cooperation in addressing contemporary global challenges. This was followed by Dr. Verónica Pedrero, Director of the Tec State of Mexico campus, and Dr. Aldo Ramírez Orozco, Director of the Water Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean.
    The technical panel featured five eminent Italian researchers. Among them, three work permanently in Mexican research institutions: Dr. Simone Lucatello (Istituto Mora del Conahcyt), Dr. Emanuele Giorgi (Tec de Monterrey, Campus Chihuahua) and Dr. Rosanna Bonasia (Tec de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México). Also from Italy came Dr. Rosalia Maglietta (Cnr-Stiima) and Dr. Carmelo Fanizza (Jonian Dolphin Conservation).
    The day ended with informal meetings that allowed participants to exchange ideas and knowledge on the topics discussed, paving the way for new forms of scientific collaboration between Italy and Mexico. Around 90 people, including professors, researchers and students, attended the conference, enriching the event with speeches, questions and curiosity.


Not to be missed


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