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Calabria must-see place in 2017, NYT

Calabria must-see place in 2017, NYT

Among 52 selected spots worldwide

Catanzaro, 09 January 2017, 13:36

Redazione ANSA


The southern Calabria region has been listed by the New York Times as one of 52 places to visit in 2017.
    The online travel section of the Times included Calabria among its selection of must-see locations, noting that "some of the best meals in Italy aren't found in Rome or Tuscany", but can be savored in the southern region of Calabria.
    "The toe of Italy's boot is making a name for itself in food and wine circles, led by places like Ristorante Dattilo, Ristorante Ruris in Isola Capo Rizzuto and Antonio Abbruzzino in Catanzaro", wrote Danielle Pergament.
    "Known for spicy dishes and much of the world's supply of bergamot, Calabria is pivoting toward lighter fare, organic farming and wine made from local grapes".
    Local grape varieties that have been gaining traction include magliocco, mantonico bianco, gaglioppo and Greco.
    The president of Calabria's chapter of farmers' association Coldiretti, Pietro Molinaro, said such "international recognition" was proof that the region was gaining standing as "a model of sustainable development" in the food and wine sector with "unique and distinctive" productions.
    "This is the beautiful, true Calabria that is well liked and a winner, which as Coldiretti we have represented" at the food-themed Milan Expo world's fair held last year, Molinaro also said.
    He stressed that local companies are competitive and increasingly appreciated because they providing high-quality food, wine and tourist attractions at competitive prices.


Not to be missed


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