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'Fuocoammare' makes Oscar list

'Fuocoammare' makes Oscar list

List will be winnowed from 15 to 5 on Jan 24

Los Angeles, 07 December 2016, 16:46

Redazione ANSA




Gianfranco Rosi's 'Fuocoammare' ('Fire at the Sea'), Italy's candidate for the Oscars in the category of Best Foreign Film and Best Documentary, has been included among 15 documentaries shortlisted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
    Five of the 15 will be chosen to compete at the Oscars and announced on January 24.
    Golden Bear winner Fuocoammare was shot on the Sicilian island of Lampedusa during the European migrant crisis, and sets the migrants' dangerous Mediterranean crossing against a background of the ordinary life of the islanders US-made documentaries make up the lion's share of the other films selected. Other foreign ones include Austria's 'The Ivory Game' on the illegal trade in ivory; Mongolia's 'The Princess and the Eagle'; and the US-China co-production 'Hooligan Sparrow' by Nanfu Wang. The nine-film shortlist for Best Foreign Film will be announced mid-December. The Oscar Awards ceremony will be held this year on February 24.


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