ANSA news agency is among the go-to
Italian media outlets for lawmakers seeking reliable news, along
with financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Sky TG24 and Rai
television news broadcasts, according to a survey published
Il Sole 24 Ore and ANSA are considered the most reliable
sources, scoring respectively 7.7/10 and 7.5/10 according to the
study conducted by Quorum/YouTrend in conjunction with Cattaneo
Zanetto & Co.
Next on the list are the national television news bulletins
broadcast by public service broadcaster Rai (7.2/10), which were
watched at least once in the previous week by 86% of the
lawmakers surveyed; and the all-news channel Sky TG24 (7.1/10),
watched by 83%.
Milan-based Il Sole 24 Ore is the most popular newspaper among
lawmakers on both sides of the political spectrum, with 93% of
lawmakers surveyed saying they had read it at least once in the
previous week.
It is followed by Corriere della Sera and Il Foglio.
ANSA is the leading news agency for popularity, at 64%.
The survey was conducted on a representative sample of 41