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Cospito moves back from hospital to jail

Cospito moves back from hospital to jail

But health fear persist after vowing to hunger strike to the end

ROME, 27 February 2023, 12:29

Redazione ANSA




Hunger striking anarchist leader Alfredo Cospito moved back from a Milan hopital to jail in the northern Italian city Monday, after Italy's top court on Friday rejected his plea to be released from the tough 41 bis prison regime he is being subjected to and which is normally just reserved for mafia bosses.
    The Cassation Court on Friday ruled that Cospito, 55, who has been on hunger strike and lost 50 kg in the last four and a half months, could still run anarchist operations from prison if he were returned to normal or even high-security custody.
    Cospito, head of the Informal Anarchists Federation (FAI), has vowed to press on "to the end" with his campaign to have the 41 bis lifted for all inmates including mafiosi, while anarchists have pledged a campaign of violence after the Cassation ruling.
    Judicial sources said Monday that the justice ministry will be paying the utmost attention to Cospito's state of health.
    He recently resumed taking supplements as the Cassation was expected to rule in his favour, but he is now set to drop them again and his doctor said at the weekend he was "gravely malnourished" amid fears for his heart.
    On Monday Cospito was transferred back to Milan's Opera prison, to the Integrated Care Service there.
    The anarchist had been in the San Paolo hospital in Milan for several days due to his health condition.


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