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Three more swine fever cases found in Rome

Three more swine fever cases found in Rome

Govt finalizing plan to cull wild boar

ROME, 17 May 2022, 15:55

Redazione ANSA




Three more cases of African swine fever have been detected in wild boar in Rome and the city is set to take new measures and reset map of the infected area, Rome Environment Chief Sabrina Alfonsi said on Tuesday.
    At least six other cases have been found in the capital, where the animals are becoming increasingly brazen about their encroachments into residential areas as they forage.
    The Rome swine fever cases are the first outside the area of the original outbreak in Liguria and Piedmont.
    Health Undersecretary Andrea Costa has said that the government is finalizing a plan to cull wild boar.
    On Monday the European Union on Monday told Italy to establish an infected zone for African swine fever in areas of Rome and implement special control measures to stop it spreading.
    It said Italy must "ensure that consignments of porcine animals kept in the areas listed as an infected zone... and products thereof are not authorised for movements to other Member States and to third countries".
    African swine fever is a highly contagious and deadly viral disease affecting both domestic and feral swine of all ages.
    ASF is not a threat to human health and cannot be transmitted from pigs to humans. It is not a food safety issue.
    ASF is found in countries around the world


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