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Trieste top in Italy for quality of life, then Milan and Trento

Trieste top in Italy for quality of life, then Milan and Trento

Northeast has seven provinces in top 10

ROME, 15 December 2021, 13:08

Redazione ANSA




Trieste topped the 32nd annual rankings of Italian provinces for quality of life compiled by business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, followed by Milan and Trento.
    The northeastern port city had been fifth in the last two editions of the widely consulted poll.
    MIian got back on the podium again after slipping out of the top ten last year due to COVID.
    Trento remained solid in third.
    Of the top 10 provinces, five are in the northeast: Bolzano (5th), Pordenone (7th), Verona (8th), Udine (9th), all confirming their top ten places, plus Treviso which made the top ten at 10th thanks to the quality of life for women, a new gauge this year.
    Aosta was fourth and Bologna sixth.
    The Emilian capital, which was top last year, placed first for demographics, society and health, above all for the high levels of education of its citizens.
    The bottom places were occupied, as always, by southern Italian provinces.
    Some big cities made buig gains with Rome rising from 32nd to 13th, Florence from 27th to 11th, Bari up one to 71st, and Naples up two to 90th.


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