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Docs failed Cucchi says Cassation Court

Docs failed Cucchi says Cassation Court

Court overturned five acquittals in December

Rome, 09 March 2016, 16:54

ANSA Editorial




The supreme Court of Cassation said Wednesday that five doctors whose acquittals in the 2009 death in custody of Stefano Cucchi it overturned last December had failed in their duty of care towards the detainee. They should have diagnosed him "accurately...even within a complex situation, which cannot justify doctors' inertia or diagnostic error". Cucchi, 31, died in a custodial wing of Rome's Pertini Hospital after his arrest on minor drug charges. His body showed signs he had sustained a brutal beating at some point during his detention.
    Officer Francesco Tedesco and four fellow officers are under investigation over the death in custody.
    The top court upheld the acquittal of a sixth doctor and of three three prison guards at Regina Coeli jail in relation to the case.
    Separately, Rome city prosecutors are investigating five Carabinieri officers on charges of aggravated bodily harm and perjury in the case. The five had custody of Cucchi before he was turned over to Regina Coeli prison.


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