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Dutch restorers offer Rome help

Dutch restorers offer Rome help

Roma squad president Pallotta urges calm from Italian supporters

Rome, 24 February 2015, 18:24

ANSA Editorial




A Dutch restoration company, shocked by damage caused to a historic fountain in Rome last week by ultra soccer fans from the Netherlands, offered Tuesday to help with repairs.
    The restoration company Koninklijke Woudenberg said it was "shocked by the recent events in Rome" and offered its services for free to repair the fountain at the foot of the Spanish Steps.
    More than 100 pieces were broken from the Bernini fountain during one of at least two melees that saw Rome police officers injured by hard-core supporters of the Feyenoord team playing last Thursday in Rome.
    James Pallotta, the American owner of the AS Roma soccer squad, said he hoped that Italian supporters would be restrained when the two teams next meet in Rotterdam.
    "It was disgusting. It's embarrassing. I hope the fans of Roma do not do the same," said Pallotta.
    "We have to show how civilized (we) are. Going to Rotterdam to seek revenge is stupid," said Pallotta.
    The Dutch Minister of Justice and Security Dutch, Ivo Opstelten, denounced the violent Feyenoord fans as "shameless barbarians".
    Meanwhile, the consumer group Codacons on Tuesday asked the courts to be formally included as plaintiffs in the trial to be brought against the Feyenoord fans blamed for the damage.


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