Attention to security at upcoming
sporting events in Rome is extremely high, Prefect Lamberto
Giannini told an event on fighting cyber crime in the capital
"On all events there is a great deal of attention," said
Giannini on the sidelines of the conference "Cybercrime and
cyberterrorism, prevention strategies and contrast" in progress
at the Lumsa University.
"There are spectator-by-spectator monitoring services. Also
because I remember that in November 2015, which remained famous
for the Bataclan events, there was an attempted attack on the
Stade de France.
"So certainly there is attention.
"Every event is studied and analysed and services are set up to
manage it safely," he said.
photo: Giannini with army chief of staff Carmine Masiello at
Ardeatine Caves Massacre commemoration recently