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Violence against women incompatible with present - Meloni

Violence against women incompatible with present - Meloni

'We will not stop until it stops,' says premier

ROME, 24 November 2023, 14:35

Redazione ANSA




Violence against women is "incompatible with our present" and must be stopped, said Premier Giorgia Meloni at the signing of the Agreement for development and cohesion with the Veneto Region on Friday.
    The ceremony opened with a round of applause in memory of Giulia Cecchettin, the 22-year-old biomedical engineering student who was murdered by her former boyfriend Filippo Turetta in Veneto on November 11.
    "I endorse the act of remembrance for Giulia and our collective responsibility in the face of intolerable phenomena that must be fought at 360 degrees," said the premier.
    "I am proud of the law that was voted by all the political forces (in parliament)," continued Meloni, referring to the new anti-violence and anti-stalking norms approved definitively by the Senate on Wednesday.
    "There are areas where sharing can make a difference," she added.
    "We have other initiatives ready, we will not stop until violence against women stops, it is something that is incompatible with our present," concluded Meloni.
    On Wednesday the Senate gave unanimous approval, with 157 votes in favour, to a government bill on violence against women, making it the law of the land.
    The law, drafted by Family and Equal Opportunities and Family Minister Eugenia Roccella, ups protection for women in danger and the survivors of gender-based violence.
    The package, which was signed off by the government in June and approved by the Lower House in October, includes new restraining orders and heightened surveillance on men guilty of domestic violence and it also boosts the emergency gender-violence hotline.
    The measures aim to interrupt the "cycle of violence" and to "act promptly and effectively" according to Roccella.
    The government and opposition agreed on two motions accelerating the passage of the bill in the Senate amid the outcry sparked by the femicide of Cecchettin.


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