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Thoughts with victims of terror says Nordio on BR ruling

Thoughts with victims of terror says Nordio on BR ruling

Quotes Calabresi saying killers must now aid truth

ROME, 28 March 2023, 16:05

Redazione ANSA




Justice Minister Carlo Nordio said Tuesday his thoughts were with the victims of terrorism after the French supreme court gave a final No to the extradition to Italy of 10 former leftist terrorists, mostly ex members of the Red Brigades (BR) group which dominated the so-called Years of Lead period of social turmoil and political violence from the late 1960 to the late 80s.
    Nordio, a former prosecutor who fought against the leftist and rightist terrorists who sowed death across Italy in those years, said: "I experienced those dramatic years as a prosecutor in the first person and today my first emotional thought can only be addressed to all the victims of that bloody season and their families, who have waited for years, together with the entire country, for an answer from French justice.
    "I therefore make my own the words of Mario Calabresi, son of the commissioner (Luigi) killed 51 years ago, in the hope that those who did not hesitate to kill then will now 'feel the need to face up to their responsibilities and have the courage to contribute to the truth'."


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