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Msgr Galantino invites Vatileaks authors to reveal earnings

Msgr Galantino invites Vatileaks authors to reveal earnings

'I would be ashamed to nit-pick without looking at myself'

Rome, 05 November 2015, 15:29

ANSA Editorial




Monsignor Nunzio Galantino, secretary general of the Italian bishops' conference CEI, on Thursday challenged the authors of two books that are at the centre of the latest Vatican leaked-documents scandal to come clean about how much they will be earning from the publications.
    "I would like to say to the ineffable Fittipaldi and to the ineffable - on two occasions - Nuzzi: is it possible to know the figures of your great editorial operations?" Monsignor Galantino said in an interview with Italian bishops' news agency Sir. L'Espresso journalist Emiliano Fittipaldi is the author of Avarice and Gianluigi Nuzzi is author of the Way of the Cross, which respectively examine the Vatican's financial empire and Pope Francis's efforts to bring about reform and are due out in Italy on Thursday. Nuzzi was at the centre of the first scandal involving leaked confidential documents from the Holy See.
    "If I was in their position I would be ashamed to nit-pick at others ideologically without looking at myself," Monsignor Galantino said.
    "Thankfully some serious newspapers are showing all the contradictions of this kind of operation. At base, there is the fact that some people are unsettled by a Catholic Church that speaks more clearly with respect to the past, calling things by name," the prelate concluded.


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