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'Kickback' envelopes for Incalza found behind books -update2

'Kickback' envelopes for Incalza found behind books -update2

Judge says evidence piling up in public-works graft probe

Rome, 24 March 2015, 19:23

ANSA Editorial




Two envelopes containing money allegedly paid as kickbacks were found Tuesday hidden behind books in the Green Field company allegedly used by former public-works honcho Ercole Incalza and an alleged accomplice, Sandro Pacella, to siphon off bribes on contracts.
    The envelopes were found in the office of Green Field partner Salvatore Adorisio, who is one of some 50 people under investigation in a massive probe into graft in major public works that saw Incalza, his former aide Sandro Pacella, and businessmen Stefano Perotti and Francesco Cavallo arrested last week for suspected kickbacks that inflated costs by as much as 40%. "The envelopes contained 2,110 euros in cash and a piece of paper with written numbers on it indicating they had originally contained 53,000 euros," a Florence preliminary investigation judge wrote.
    The handwritten notes documented two 13,000-euro and two 9,000-euro withdrawals corresponding to deposits made in favor of Incalza and Pacella, according to the judge.
    Prosecutors said Incalza, a public-works official for seven governments, oversaw "systemic corruption" on a massive scale.


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