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Charles and Camilla meet pope

Charles and Camilla meet pope

Prince gives pontiff farm produce, gets olive branch, encyclical

Rome, 04 April 2017, 18:50

Redazione ANSA




Prince Charles and Camilla Duchess of Cornwall spent a day in Rome Tuesday, meeting Pope Francis and Italian officials.
    At the private audience in the Vatican, which lasted almost half an hour, Charles gave Francis produce from his Highgrove farm while the pope told the prince to be "a man of peace".
    The pontiff gave Charles a small bronze sculpture of an olive branch and a copy of his encyclical Laudato Si' as well as his apostolic exhortations Evangeli Gaudium and Amoris Laetitia.
    "Are they in English?" Charles asked, to which the pope replied "yes", upon which Charles said "You are very generous".
    Handing over his farm produce, Charles said "it's hard to know what to give Your Holiness" and then, opening the basket, "I hope it comes in useful", suggesting they might go to the poor.
    "They're all things home-made by me," said Charles while Camilla said "it's all very good".
    Offering the bronze olive branch, Francis said "it is a symbol of peace. Wherever you go, be a man of peace".
    Charles replied: "I'll do my best".
    Charles earlier met Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano who voiced Italy's sympathies with Britain over the recent terror attack at Westminster that killed four people, three civilians and a policeman.


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