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Some judges acting politically-Salvini

Some judges acting politically-Salvini

Minister denies creating black list of hostile magistrates

Rome, 06 June 2019, 14:12

Redazione ANSA




Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said Thursday that a small minority of judges in Italy are acting politically when making decisions. He was commenting after he said the government would appeal against several rulings regarding its policies on security and migration and named the judges who made them, saying they should have declared themselves incompatible because of their stances on these issues. Anti-migrant Euroskeptic nationalist League party leader Salvini told Mediaset television he was not drafting a black list of hostile judges.
    But he added that "I take note of the fact that, while thousands of magistrates do their jobs honestly, some act politically, they write books and go to conferences in favour of open ports for migrants.
    "Is it normal for a judge to go to a conference that is an advert for mass immigration to then judge the policies of the interior ministry?". The President of Florence's Appeals Court, Margherita Cassano, blasted the attack, which regarded one of the court's judges, among others.
    "As president of the court of appeal, I feel duty bound to intervene regarding the moral lynching directed at Luciana Breggia, who has been exposed to danger to her safety because of the serious attacks she has suffered, given the media reverberations and the multiplier effect of the social media galaxy," Cassano told reporters.


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