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Raggi stands by Muraro

Raggi stands by Muraro

'Up to prosecutors to decide, not papers or politicians'

Rome, 07 September 2016, 19:07

ANSA Editorial




It is up to prosecutors not the media or political parties to decide on the fate of city cabinet member for the environment Paola Muraro, Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi wrote Wednesday on 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Beppe Grillo's blog. "Let me make myself clear to all," Raggi wrote.
    "Prosecutors will decide whether a crime may have been committed or whether the case should be shelved. Not parties, not some newspaper. Meanwhile, (Muraro) must continue working to clean up the city. And let there be an end to the controversy".
    If Muraro acted improperly she won't be spared. "You may be certain that should we become aware of illicit behaviors we will act accordingly," she wrote. "We've never given anyone any breaks and will continue not to do so". Raggi went on to repeat what she has been saying since news that Muraro is under criminal investigation first emerged: that no specific charges have been made against her appointee and that she "wants to read the paperwork" on the case before making any decision.
    The newly seated mayor also resorted to the proudly anti-establishment M5S's mantra that "we're bothering some (powers that be), but nobody will stop us". "I have decided to take some measures to reorganize the administrative machine," Raggi explained. "But right now, Rome needs other and more urgent measures".
    "Not a day has gone by without an attack, an accusation," Raggi complained. "But I have broad shoulders and I'm not afraid. I want to improve Rome," she continued. "I've been working day and night without a pause. I am dedicating myself to the city, body and soul. We are citizens who have been called to rebuild after 30 years of gangrene caused by a corrupt political system". Also on Wednesday, it emerged that Raggi's deputy cabinet chief Raffaele Marra will be removed from his position shortly and that the salary of Raggi's chief of staff Salvatore Romeo may be cut in a bid to quell the controversy over the newly seated mayor's nominations.


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