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Regeni mum wants answers from govt (2)

Regeni mum wants answers from govt (2)

'Govts knew, didn't warn people'

Brussels, 15 June 2016, 19:36

ANSA Editorial




(see related)The mother of torture and murder victim Giulio Regeni said Wednesday "we call on our government to be more explicit".
    "We know there is a new ambassador (to Egypt), but it remains unclear when he is to take up his post," Paola Regeni said. "Everyone asks me what is the government doing, what is the European Union doing and I say enough commemorations - now actions". "We have documentation with 266 photos of what happened to Giulio - a true encyclopedia of the tortures being practiced in Egypt," she added.
    "We also have a 225-page autopsy report. We do not want to ever have to show those photos - it would mean we really have reached the lowest point".
    "I think the governments knew and should have warned people - the students who still go to Egypt, a country still being considered safe for tourists," Mrs. Regeni continued.
    "We ask pressure be brought on Egypt," she said.
    "Italy and Europe must make some choices because what happened to Giulio could happen to anyone. So far (Egypt has only provided) worthless paper, false testimony. We now call on Europe to exert strong pressure on Cairo. I don't understand whether or not Italy is a friend to Egypt, but I do know friends don't kill each other's children".


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