(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 4 OCT - Scientific collaboration, one of the
priorities for CEI, was the focus of the visit to Trieste of a
delegation of diplomats coming from Central and Eastern Europe
and the Balkans: Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Italy, Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia,
During the visit, which began this morning at the Area Science
Park, some representatives of the main scientific institutions
based in Trieste presented the numerous research and technology
transfer activities carried out within a framework of
international collaborations and with great attention to the
high training of young researchers from all over the world.
The Secretary General of the CEI, ambassador Giovanni Caracciolo
di Vietri, and representatives of the Area Science Park, along
with the President Sergio Paoletti, National Institute of
Oceanography and Appied Geophysics (OGS), International Center
for Theoretical Physics (Ictp), IInternational Centre for
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Icgeb), International
School for Advanced Studies (Sissa), Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
and Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium
The regional councillor for work and training Alessia Rosolen
also took part in the meeting. The delegation then visited to
the two large research installations, Elettra Sincrotrone and
Fermi, the new free electron laser (FEL), the only one out of
the five FELs in the world active in the field of ultraviolet
and soft X-rays. Fermi opens up unique opportunities in the
study of condensed matter structure and its transitory states,
of condensed soft matter and of low density matter, using a
variety of diffraction, dispersion and spectroscopy techniques.
A meeting focused on ESOF 2020. Stefano Fantoni, president of
the International Trieste Foundation, was the keynote speaker
and underlined the role played by the CEI in stimulating the
involvement of its member countries in the presentation stage of
the candidacy of Trieste, which proved to be a winner also
thanks to the international dimension and the openness towards
the countries of central and eastern Europe.
Fantoni reiterated that the slogan "Freedom for Science, Science
for Freedom", chosen by Trieste, highlights the absence of
boundaries and prejudices in scientific work and said that this
concept will be implemented in the ESOF 2020 programme, which
was as a shared project with the whole 'Central-Eastern
European and Balkan area. This approach is also confirmed by the
numerous events that since 2018 will take place in Italy and in
several countries under the aegis ESOF2020.
The call for ideas has recorded more than 40 proposals coming
from institutions, institutions and citizens, one third of them
from Central and Eastern Europe. The various boards of experts
have approved about twenty proposals, in addition to many other
initiatives in progress, including conferences, exhibitions,
artistic and cultural events. (ANSA).
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