(ANSA) - TRIESTE, AUG 26 - Rai intends to turn off the
medium-wave radio broadcasts starting September 11, 2022. This
decision will also include turning off the medium wave signal of
Radio Trieste A, which broadcasts radio programs for the Slovene
National Community in Italy, as well as of the Campalto
facility, from where comes the signal of the radio program of
the RAI FVG "L'Ora della Venezia Giulia.'"
The President of the Italian Union, Maurizio Tremul, said on
behalf of the organization representing the entire Italian
national community in Croatia and Slovenia. The radio broadcasts
will be transferred to web platforms.
Tremul disclosed that in recent days he has appealed to Foreign
Minister Luigi Di Maio and Undersecretary Benedetto Della
Vedova, as well as the Undersecretary to the Presidency of the
Council of Ministers, Dept. of Information, Giuseppe Moles;
consulates and Fvg Governor Massimiliano Fedriga, to "express
the concern of the Italians of Istria, Kvarner, and Dalmatia."
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