Percorso:ANSA > Nuova Europa > Germany > Autovie Venete: 'red dot' on the occasion of Corpus Christi

Autovie Venete: 'red dot' on the occasion of Corpus Christi

From today until Sunday. Traffic estimates

16 June, 16:08
(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 16 GIU - Traffic jams and slowdowns occurring since this morning are the consequence of Corpus Christi, a popular holiday in Austria and Germany. From these two countries arrive most of the cars and motorhomes that pass through on the A23 (Udine Sud - Palmanova Junction) and the A4 in the direction of Venice, heading to the main northeastern towns. The network operator Autovie Venete announced. According to estimates, about 160.000 vehicles will pass through the entire network on Saturday 18 and 158.000 on Sunday 19. The forecasts consider the transits recorded in the "Corpus Christi" weekend in 2017 and the increase in flows recorded in the last month.

Here are some figures: in May, up 16% total transits compared to May 2021; in the week of Ascension, up 7% compared to 2019 (data of Thursday 26/05 referred to Latisana toll booths); in the week of Pentecost, up 4% (compared to 2019) and up 9% (compared to 2021); last weekend, up 18% Saturday, compared to 2021.

Autovie has announced they have reinforced their toll collection staff; the four days - from Thursday to Sunday - will therefore be characterized by a 'red dot,' which means hefty traffic.

The return of trucks to Central and Eastern European countries heading to Trieste is also scheduled for tomorrow; heavy vehicles will not be allowed to travel from 07 a.m. to 10 p.m.

on Sunday 19. On Saturday, user assistance service is also available in the yards of the booths affected by the heaviest traffic.

Autovie Venete warned drivers to use "utmost caution" and "keep safety distances, and respect speed limits": 80 km per hour for light vehicles and 60 km per hour for heavy vehicles on the sections involved by works; 60 for all cars in detours at the construction sites. Furthermore, it's forbidden to use electronic devices and smartphones when driving." Finally, Autovie reminds people that they can get information about the traffic situation through the website, by downloading the infoviaggiando app or calling 800.996099. (ANSA).

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