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Easter rites to feature same COVID restrictions - Vatican

Easter rites to feature same COVID restrictions - Vatican

Masses will be virtually empty again

VATICAN CITY, 17 February 2021, 13:33

Redazione ANSA




This year's Lent and Easter rites will feature the same COVID restrictions as last year, when they were celebrated in virtually empty spaces, the Vatican said Wednesday.
    "The celebrations on Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Saturday will have the same indications as last year," said the prefect for the congregation for the divine cult, Cardinal Robert Sarah.
    "We are still facing the drama of the COVID-19 pandemic which has brought many changes to the usual way of celebrating the liturgy," he said.
    There will be no washing the feet by Pope Francis on Holy Thursday or kissing the cross on Good Friday, while the faithful will be restricted in number.
    "We must remain prudent", said Sarah.


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