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Congo envoy, bodyguard 'killed for ,000'

Congo envoy, bodyguard 'killed for $50,000'

Attanasio, Iacovacci victims of kidnap attempt

ROME, 21 February 2022, 16:23

Redazione ANSA




Italy's ambassador to Congo Luca Attanasio and his bodyguard, Carabinieri officer Vittorio Iacovacci were killed by a Congolese kidnapping gang in North Kivu a year ago after they were unable to pay the gang $50,000, newspapers Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica said Monday.
    The papers quoted World Food Organization (WFP) deputy director Rocco Leone as telling Rome prosecutors who have accused him of manslaughter in allegedly not respecting security protocols: "I gave them everything I had, $300-400 and my phone. The ambassador, too, started to remove everything he had on, certainly his wallet and perhaps his watch. I told Iacovacci to keep calm and not go for his gun, perhaps the ambassador told him too.
    WFP aide Mansour Rwagaza told the prosecutors: "the bandits told us to hand over the money. They wanted $50,000, otherwise they were going to take us into the forest and demand a ransom...I told Rocco Leone that we would have to cooperate to stop being shot".
    It was then that the ambush turned into a tragic kidnapping attempt, with shots exchanged.
    Attanasio, 43, and 30-year-old Iacovacci were killed along with their Congolese United Nations driver Mustapha Milambo near the Virunga National Park on February 22, 2021.
    The WFP delegation were travelling on a field visit.
    The two-vehicle convoy with seven people was travelling in the Congolese province of North Kivu, from the province's capital of Goma to a WFP school feeding programme in Rutshuru, a town 70 kilometres north of Goma, on a route that would have taken the vehicles through the natonial park.
    North Kivu governor Carly Nzanzu said the convoy did not have a security escort at the time of the attack.
    The WFP has said minimum security protocols were respected.
    Iacovacci's widow Zakia Seddiki Attanasio, a Moroccan woman he met on a mission there and with whom he had three small children, on Monday unveiled the Mama Sofia Foundation, the same name as an aid association the slain envoy had opened in Congo.


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