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Italy should do more for migrants, says speaker

Italy should do more for migrants, says speaker

Contrast with luxury tourism and migrant reception 'intolerable'

Rome, 31 March 2014, 15:39

ANSA Editorial




Italy must do more for the migrants who land on its shores, many in dire straits, Lower House Speaker Laura Boldrini told MPs on Monday.
    A country so rich in culture and attractive to paying visitors must also remember the less fortunate, she said.
    Speaking at the presentation of a 2014 report on the future of Italy's tourist industry, Boldrini added that "offering luxury services to affluent tourists, only to treat migrants from less-fortunate parts of the world in sometimes unacceptable ways, is an intolerable contradiction".
    The report by Italiadecide (Italy Decides) public policy think-tank focuses on ways to leverage Italy's cultural and artistic treasures to attract more tourists.
    "We must set a concrete example of how to be a receptive culture, and of how to hold this receptiveness as an all-around, integral value", Boldrini said.
    "We must measure up to the challenge of globalization, which brings with it greater circulation of people and not just trade goods, capital, and information".


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