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Police bust transnational migrant smuggling ring

Police bust transnational migrant smuggling ring

29 suspected of trafficking from Greece and Turkey to Italy

ROME, 10 May 2023, 14:40

Redazione ANSA




Police on Wednesday executed arrest orders against 29 people suspected of belonging to a transnational criminal organization that trafficked migrants and refugees from Greece and Turkey to Italy.
    The preliminary investigations lasted nearly four years and were coordinated by the Anti-Mafia District Directorate of Catanzaro.
    The suspects face possible charges related to facilitation of illegal immigration and money laundering.
    They are said to have belonged to three cells operating out of Italy, Greece and Turkey with the aim of trafficking refugees and migrants by sailboat via the eastern Mediterranean to southern Italy.
    In a statement police said the organization had overseen "the arrival at destination of thousands of migrants, in transit to Italy via the so-called Balkan sea route, by using sail boats captained by mostly Russian-speaking traffickers".
    The migrants and refugees reportedly paid around 10,000 euros for the sea crossing.
    The traffickers also provided food and accommodation at several stopping places in Italy, including Crotone, Lecce, Brindisi, Foggia, Grosseto, Imperia, Milan, Turin and Trieste, the statement said.
    The government of Premier Giorgia Meloni has made clamping down on irregular migration and combatting migrant trafficking a topo priority, and in March it introduced a broad package of measures affecting asylum procedures, protection and reception, among other things.
    The measures, dubbed the Cutro decree after the February 26 migrant boat shipwreck off Cutro in Calabria in which 94 refugees and migrants are known to have died, also include new stiffer penalties for migrant traffickers.
    80 people survived the disaster, which occurred after their boat broke up in rough waters just a few dozen metres from the Italian shore after five days' sailing from Turkey.
    Four people were arrested on suspicion of being the traffickers.


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