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Never a word of repentance from BR in France - Calabresi

Never a word of repentance from BR in France - Calabresi

Court hypocritical on damage to private lives says late cop son

ROME, 28 March 2023, 15:58

Redazione ANSA


Journalist Mario Calabresi, son of a Milan police chief gunned down by leftist terrorists in 1972, on Tuesday condemned the French high court's refusal to extradited 10 mostly Red Brigades ex-terrorists to Italy saying none of them had ever uttered a word of repentance for their crimes throughout their years of living in France.
    Luigi Calabresi was murdered in retaliation for the death falling from a Milan police station window of anarchist Giuseppe Pino Pinelli after he was initially suspected of involvement in the bombing that triggered the so-called Year of Lead, the Milan Piazza Fontana massacre that killed 17 people.
    Calabresi's son Mario, former editor of left-leaning dailies La Stampa and la Repubblica, said "It was an illusion to expect anything different (from the French high court) and my personal opinion is that seeing these people go to prison after decades no longer makes sense to us.
    "But there is an annoying and hypocritical detail: the Cassation (Court) writes that 'the refugees in France have built up a stable family situation for years (...) and therefore extradition would have caused disproportionate damage to their right to a private and family life'.
    "But think of the disproportionate damage they have done by killing husbands and fathers of families.
    "And this is all the more true because there has never been a word of repentance, solidarity or reparation from any of them.
    Who knows...'.


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