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Meloni OK on man not woman by self-declaring say lesbians

Meloni OK on man not woman by self-declaring say lesbians

Otherwise there would be harm to women says Arcilesbica chief

ROME, 01 March 2023, 16:25

Redazione ANSA




Italy's leading lesbian group said Wednesday it agreed with Premier Giorgia Meloni that a man did not become a woman simply by self-declaring their gender change.
    "I agree with Meloni that giving a man the opportunity to declare himself a woman, beyond any surgical, pharmacological or administrative path, harms women," said Arcilesbica president Cristina Gramolini.
    "I agree with the fact that one cannot skip the sexed body, that is, one is not a woman being a man by mere self-declaration, this would harm reality and women, for example in women's sports or equal opportunity policies", she said.
    Meloni tells Grazia magazine in an interview out Thursday that "Today, the unilateral right to proclaim oneself a woman or a man is claimed beyond any path, surgical, pharmacological or even administrative. Masculine and feminine are rooted in bodies and it is an incontrovertible fact. Is this to the detriment of women? I believe so: today, to be a woman, it is claimed that it is enough to proclaim oneself as such, meanwhile work is being done to erase the body, the essence, the difference." Italy's first women premier stressed that "women are the first victims of gender ideology" and said that "Many feminists think so too".


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