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Mafia infiltration of business concerning Colosimo tells ANSA

Mafia infiltration of business concerning Colosimo tells ANSA

More incisive action needed on corruption too says panel chair

ROME, 14 May 2024, 13:00

ANSA English Desk



The level of mafia infiltration of the Italian business world is concerning, the chair of the parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission Chiara Colosimo told an ANSA Forum Tuesday.
    "All of the organised crime organisations have decided to go after the economic fabric: that of the drug markets, which act as the real ATM for these organisations, and the increasingly worrying one of infiltrations into the business world, which must alert us, because the resources available to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, and not only, must serve to make development and not cash for the clans," she said.
    Colosimo also said institutions and police needed to be "more incisive" in their action against corruption.
    "We need to update the Anti-Mafia Code, in particular the offences under letter 'I' art. 4 with the recognition of corruption for the corrupt and the corruptor, on corruption we must be more incisive, more clear-cut", she said in answering a question from ANSA Eeditor-in-Chief Luigi Contu amid various graft probes including ones in Puglia and Liguria.
    Colosimo added that the Anti-Mafia Commission "has opened a strand on the latest investigations from Puglia to Liguria, but all the alert lights are on, to give an up to fate picture to Parliament of what methods organised crime is using to infiltrate the public administration in Italy".


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