
Landart sul prato dell'Onu a New York

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 18 SET - epa09474909 An aerial view shows the giant ephemeral landart painting entitled 'World in Progress II' by Swiss-French artist Saype (Guillaume Legros) representing two children drawing and building with origami their ideal world, at the Headquarters of the United Nations (U.N.) in New York City, USA, 13 September 2021 (issued 18 September 2021). The artwork covering 11'000 square meters was produced with biodegradable paints made from natural pigments such as charcoal and chalk and constitutes the second step of a project started at the U.N.
    European headquarters in Geneva in 2020. The project is supported and gifted by Switzerland to the U.N. to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the organization and the launch of the Common Agenda. EPA/VALENTIN FLAURAUD (ANSA).

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