
Autovie, traffic increased by 6.16% in the first five months

Congestions may occur over the Corpus Christi weekend

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 07 GIU - In the first five months of 2023, traffic along the highway network managed by Autovie Venete increased by 6.16 percent compared to the same period in 2022.

According to provisional data compiled by the concessionaire, 18,861,681 transits were recorded from January to May, compared to 17,766,578 in 2022 (+6.16 percent). Mostly car transits increased (+8.93 percent), while truck transits remained unchanged (+0.20 percent).

Autovie reported a boom in May, with over 3 million light vehicles (+3.68% over 2022) crossing the network. This trend also seems to continue in early June, with over a million vehicles passing through the network from May 29 to June 4 (+4.73%). So the first tourists are arriving, as the data on vehicle exits at toll booths also confirm: in May, they increased by 8.01% at Udine Sud, 7.15% at Palmanova, 6.71% at Trieste, 6.54% at Portogruaro, 2.05% at San Donà di Piave, and 1.88% at Latisana.

Over the weekend, during Corpus Christi, arrivals are expected mainly from Austria and Germany. Tomorrow morning Autovie Venete forecasts heavy traffic along the A23 from Udine Sud to the Palmanova Junction and for the entire day in both directions of the A4 and on the Mestre bypass (A57) towards Trieste.

On Friday, heavy traffic in the Trieste direction along the Mestre bypass all day and on the A4 in the afternoon. Saturday and Sunday morning traffic jams and slowdowns may occur at the seaside toll booths. Traffic will gradually decrease in the afternoons. (ANSA).

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