
Honorary degrees awarded to Mattarella and Pahor

Historic photo of July 13, 2020 was projected on screen

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADE, APR 12 - The dean of the University of Trieste, Roberto Di Lenarda, conferred a master's degree in Law Honoris Causa on the former president of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, and the president of Italy, Sergio Mattarella. During the proclamation in the university's main hall, a photo from July 13, 2020, showing the two presidents holding hands in Basovizza, was projected.
    "In recent years, Slovenia and Italy have developed a constant and fruitful dialogue, fueled by the awareness that common adhesion and belonging to the European home and Euro-Atlantic values represent that element of identity that strengthens our countries' gaze towards the future. As Borut Pahor has repeatedly emphasised, reconciliation with history does not absolve us of the responsibility to know and remember it," Mattarella stated at the ceremony. (ANSA).

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