
Croatia conservatives reach coalition deal with right wing

Alliance is set to shift the country to the right again

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA-AFP) - ZAGREB, MAY 8 - Croatia's ruling conservative party has reached a deal with a right-wing party to form a new coalition government following last month's vote, a spokesman said on Wednesday. The alliance is set to shift the country to the right again, after pro-European incumbent Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic moved the governing Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) towards the centre. Plenkovic's HDZ and a centre-left coalition led by the Social Democrats (SDP) have been scrambling to form a governing coalition since April's elections. But Marko Milic said that the HDZ -- the main governing party since independence in 1991 -- and the nationalist right-wing Homeland Movement (DP) have now "reached an agreement on the formation of a new parliamentary majority and structure of a new government".
    The new government will be led by Plenkovic, who has held the office in the Balkan nation since 2016. (ANSA-AFP).

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