
Udine University, summer school to focus on the Balkans

The Department of Legal Sciences is one of the organizers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - UDINE, 05 LUG - The integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union, instability in the Balkan area, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Kyïv's application to join the Union, and judicial power in plural societies. These are some of the issues at the heart of the 20th edition of the "European Union and Legal Reform" (Eulr) summer school of higher education scheduled at the University of Udine until July 7 in Lecture Hall A of the economic-legal hub on Via Tomadini in Udine.

The summer school also focuses on the impact of populism and Euroscepticism on the integration process, the role of European agencies, and the common principles of European administrative law, with the participation of some 20 internationally renowned scholars from across Europe.

The key takeaway from the 2023 edition is "Europe at a Crossroads." The aim is to provide participants with tools to analyze and understand annually selected crucial issues through seminars, lectures, and round tables.

The School is organized by the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Friuli, the Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development (CCSDD), and the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (CSDI).

"For the Department of Legal Sciences," underlines Director Elena D'Orlando, "this is a very prestigious collaboration, which places our educational offerings in an international circuit of the highest level, connected to the School of advanced international studies of Johns Hopkins University, a well-known and world-renowned US university." (ANSA).

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