
Bulgaria to get two US-built nuclear reactors

Located at the site of the state-owned Kozloduy plant

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA-AFP) - SOFIA, OCT 25 - Bulgaria on Wednesday approved the construction of two nuclear reactors using American technology as the Balkan EU member seeks to diversify its energy sources. The two new reactors will be located at the site of the state-owned Kozloduy plant on the Danube river, which currently relies on Russian fuel for its two Soviet-built 1,000-megawatt reactors. The country's sole nuclear plant signed deals last year to diversify its nuclear fuel deliveries from 2024 in efforts to replace shipments from Russia in the wake of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. The two new reactors -- which will provide a total of 2,300 MW -- will use Westinghouse's technology, the government said in a statement. (ANSA-AFP).

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