
Slovenia, Krsko nuclear power plant shut down after failure

Checks and repairs will take several weeks

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - LUBIANA, 09 OTT - Operators at the Krško (Nek) nuclear power plant in Slovenia, about 120 kilometers (75 miles) from Trieste toward the Croatian border in White Carniola, have located the leak found last Thursday, following which the reactor's power was first gradually reduced and then shut down the next day. Nek reported that they have activated all appropriate procedures so as to ascertain the cause of the leak and prepare a plan of action. The operation will reportedly take several weeks, as the fault is located in a pipeline connected to the primary system that is difficult to reach. In addition to Nek operators, representatives of the National Nuclear Safety Authority (NSA) are always present at the plant, assisted by international experts so that a more detailed analysis of the cause of the leak can be obtained, as "repairing the damage without eliminating the cause does not guarantee long-term nuclear safety," the NSA statement says. Cold shutdown means that the plant does not produce electricity, so the temperature and pressure in the primary circuit are significantly reduced to ensure it works safely. (ANSA).

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